Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cignal Ppo Dental Costs

Samba Das Antigas - 6 lps

Bezerra da Silva and his guests,
Partido Alto Nota 10 - I Get
, CID 1979

tracks ;

Hit me
1 2 3 Piranha
Agreement rogue
Apollo 4 5 6 If I'm right
Good sufferer
Place macabre
7 8 9 Hit Grandma
Malandra not hesitate No more 10
11 Baby 12 Game


Paulinho and its battery - Batucada, CBD / Philips 1966


a classic style
2 3 4 Crusader
Bossa nova and bossa nova
5 March and June Samba Frevo
7 8 Partido alto
Baiao, rocket and maracatĂș
9 Samba Samba 10
street carnival
Teleco teco 11 12
Batuque in three tempos


The drummers and the mulatto - The Leather Come, RCA Victor 1974


a satin
Flaps - Stubborn
2 3 Good night
The train was delayed
- Trem das onze
- ZĂ© Marmita

Challenge 4 - yes I drink
5 Olelo Wow
6-hose-time folklore
- King of France on the island of haunting
7 Boi black face
Sadness 8 feet on the ground
9 - Do not cry my love
10 Prayer
mother's little girl 11 The world best Pixinguinha 'Pizindin'
- Queen Dona Santa Maracatu


The Bambas - Best on Samba vol. 9, 1973 Okeh


a mockery
Rip silk 2 to 3 Bessa
Move move
4 When I call nostalgia
5 On the right side of the street right
When 6 Mine came
7 8 9 Cut it
When the police arrive
I put my guitar
10 11 12 went up the hill
beloved Earth


The Originals Samba - Vol . 2, RCA Victor 1969


a lollipop I'll
other two I like the girl
Samba 3, Holland
- has more samba
- Dream of a carnival
- Who seen, who sees you
- Night of the masked carnival
4 without fancy
5 Mr. Samba
Look who comes
6 7 8
If Dad turns the beat of the 4 major
- Marchioness of saints
- Pilgrimage to Bahia
- Salgueiro cradle of samba
- Jewelry of Brazilian legends
- Exaltation to Portela
- River of viceroys
- Casa Grande e Senzala
(samba da Mangueira)
- Seed samba
9 10 11
there on the hill with sadness and poetry without


The Bambas - Best on Samba vol. 8, 1972 Okeh

A little samba on Fridaynight can not hurt. Here's another
Okeh release from the early 70's. Again the artistic direction was in the hands of
Zuzuca. He took care of the vocals on track 3, 8 and 10 himself,
Baianinha on track 1. Contains some great dance tracks.


a tavern Nobody
Balance 2 people Bate belly

3 4 5 Pano Coast
Dose for The Lion
6 7
pointer around the pagoda in the Vava
eight knot in the cane
September 10 Chiquinha gossip
Lost hopes
Rule 11 February 12 Hello


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