Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snowboarding After Hip Replacement Surgewry

Interview / / Audrey Jungle

Credit: Heber Argumedo
Audrey Jungle , Discovery Rock LET ROCK RULE Radio is music of character, a subtle blend rock and Latin sounds, born of an encounter in the vibrant city of Buenos Aires. Authors Versus, a surprising EP released in 2010, the duo imposes its own identity and character in all tests. Their meeting, their influences and ambitions, Audrey and Heber are opening the doors of their artistic universe which, hopefully, will appeal to a wider audience in 2011 ... And maybe the music professionals, who knows? Meanwhile, I warn you: do not venture to pronounce Jungle in English ...

Hello to all 2. Your musical style is quite new: we talk about rock spicy, thanks to the Latin sounds present in your tracks. Where did it come from?

Audrey: Argentina is the starting point of this adventure. This country is not well known in Europe from a musical point of view. Apart from the tango ... But actually, there is a real place for rock there, and I discovered there traveling. So, I wanted to insert this culture to my music. It's a way to show in Europe and especially in France that Latin America is not that the tango, salsa, ...

Your project is born in Argentina in connection with your meeting ...

A: Yes, I met in Buenos Aires Heber. It was already 2 years I was there. At that time, I decided to take music if originally I wanted to be an actress. Our meeting inspired me to write again, write texts, ... So we started working together, each bringing his influences.

What exactly are your influences? In particular, I read on your MySpace names such as Nirvana, Nina Hagen ... From rock "filthy" after all ...

A: I love Nina Hagen! After this is not a genre of music we could not do. I like Manu Chao too. Often, I listen to jazz, which has nothing to do with our music.

Heber: For my part, I listen mostly Argentine groups like La Pequeña Orquesta Cienfuegos or Reincidentes. After it depends on the moments I'll sometimes listen to a band nonstop for 1 month, 2 months ... then I'll drop it and buy something else ... Sometimes I even say "hey, I start playing a little like them too! It is time to move on! (Laughs)

influences you cite are not in the same vein as you ...

H: It's normal to be influenced by things you love. There are many bands that inspired or were inspired other groups without doing the same thing.

There was a previous EP, Nueva Jungla , released in Argentina in 2008. Tell us about this CD.

A: The idea with this EP was to become known regionally and strain into local radio. So, we made this mix: verses sung in French and English tunes.

Moreover, we find this influence on the Franco-Argentine second Versus EP, released him in France and Argentina. Moreover, there is a song written entirely sung in English ( Intrepidamente Descarada ). What is your goal? Make a difference to attract attention or it was just obvious and natural for you to do?

A: In some-way, singing in French and English, is like a revolt. We had to show our difference. It's pretty rare in France to have a rock song in English! I would say we would not sing in English because the language is omnipresent in the music. Especially since apparently radios have quotas of French songs to program while record companies are looking absolutely groups very "Anglo-Saxon." So why not a Hispanic group?!

H: It is true that the French groups that play rock often have a very British style. That is, there are things that I love, but it's a shame. The French language is so beautiful! It's like a lack of respect finally.

A: And then it must be said is sung in English because it was started in Argentina and there were many people who have enjoyed our first Ep Arriving in France, we would not let them down by abandoning English totally. It should not turn our backs.

We feel in your EP a certain energy in both texts, the singing, but also in music. You would say that this key is rather French or Argentine?

A: In my opinion, what characterizes the best of French music is not his power, if not Izia, which I love also. She has a style rather than French Anglo-Saxon.

H: In Argentina, the music is very energetic. There are mixtures of rock, reggae, ska and punk, which gives some very interesting things.

The song can sometimes make you think Olivia Ruiz, released mainly by sensuality. What do you think? That bothers you does it?

A: I'm pretty happy actually. At first I did not like Olivia Ruiz since she was labeled "Star Academy" associated with the "French Song" in the commercial sense. Finally, his latest album is quite surprising. Even on stage, what it offers is much more rock than their albums, in energy, in the staging, in how to dance and express themselves ... And that's what I love and I try to do too.

You assume therefore the comparison ...

A: Yes, because I find that often the singers in France often have a "pretty girl who sings well and because of the variety."

Not always pretty indeed. Looks Lara Fabian ... (laughs)

A: (laughs) No, but you know what I mean!

H: Indeed, I am surprised because in France there are many women who make music, which is not the case in my country. There, there are groups mainly consisting mostly of men.

Our friends would they be Latin macho? ...

H: No, not at all! (Laughs) Then you're not macho to the extreme! But it is true that in France there are many women who sing, especially more they are all more or less the same thing!

A: That's why our song Looking ground neither verse or chorus. It is a loop that opens and closes. This is not trivial.

On this EP, there is a song poet or arms dealer, that talks about the hectic life of Arthur Rimbaud. He is someone that you admire?

A: This song came when I studied the weapons and the market weapons in my course. I immediately thought of Rimbaud and his fascinating side. I love the radicalism of his life. He stopped writing and traveled widely. It was so modern as a vision of life! (Laughs) It made 2 trades so different so I thought I was the perfect symbol of the fickleness of life.

Versus Hence, the name of your EP? ...

A: Yes, and then there Intrepidamente Descarada this song about the orderly life, with times office ... He must have courage to overcome all that and say "no, 30 years old I do not want this life: credit, 2 children, and all that! I'd rather do something else! . Versus is the alternative to this model, what people would really do with their lives. After that, we do not say that people who work in offices are on the wrong road, but we want to tell them to see something else.

themes of your songs seem to be carefully chosen.

A: Yes. In all cases, there was no question make love songs!

This versatility in life is finally in your image a little Audrey. You have done a brilliant student with a degree in Science Po in the key. But still, you have a soul artist and you do not seem to want this life "Metro / work / sleep."

A: Exactly! Inevitably, when we studied, we define the path that will take, especially in France!

When did you realize that you wanted something other than what you were conducting your studies? ...

A: Before went to Argentina, I was not thinking about that.

H: There's totally different. It is a country relatively unstructured. It is difficult to live there, especially because of the crisis facing the country. People are more eager to enjoy their lives here anyway because they will work fine, they will not become rich!

Heber So, I guess your entourage has taken the fact that you come to Paris to live your passion.

H: Yes, there is no had a problem.

Audrey And you, how your surroundings he welcomed the news?

A: (laughs) It was pretty electric ... My family is passionate about music, let alone rock! Any sign of artistic deviance is inappropriate! (Laughs) I always feel that if this was not a Grammy Award tomorrow, we will not tell me "it's good music, it works! . Nevertheless, after graduation, I thought it was time to think about myself and my passion.

When did you wanted to make music?

A: Actually, I mainly wanted to do theater. Dance, circus, the scene in general is something that always attracted me. I made some music before going to Argentina, but never to the point of telling me that I would start a band, ... And finally I realized that music together everything I love! It can dance, write text, take the stage ... It's very creative! We must also imagine the album art, choosing costumes, ...

And you
Heber, when did you start music?

H: I started music at 14. I took some guitar lessons, then I did a year and a half of the conservatory and I told myself that it was not for me because it was too strict, too old school., I left Conservatory before being disgusted with the music and started playing with no real ambition particular groups. Audrey Jungle is the first serious project in which I participate.

While 2011 has just begun. What your plans for this new year?

A: We have a big project for 2011 is to make an album. Although not marketed this year, we would like it to be at least registered.

H: The majority of titles are already available.

A: We would also like to play in Argentina. We have many people who follow us there although there is more physically. Some dates already scheduled for late 2011.

Finally, I wonder where you got your stage name, including the word Jungle ... (note: to say "French").

A: We wanted to keep a wild side, the idea of instinct, referring to when I lived in Argentina. Arriving in Buenos Aires, I was pretty young and I felt like a jungle. Besides, I think it would have the same effect at any Parisian would be in the big city America. Traffic is crazy, there are a lot of noise ...

H: That true that Buenos Aires is a unique city ...

Anyway, good luck in your musical journey! Both in Argentina and France, and even more ...

A and H: Thank you!


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